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Sport&EU 2021 Annual Conference

Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka


June 15-18


Call for Papers

The 15th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union will take place in Croatia, in Rijeka - the European Capital of Culture 2020 ( & Opatija - the place where Croatian tourism was born (


The host of the conference is the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law (


Conference papers

We invite Sport&EU members and non-members to submit paper and/or panel proposals that analyse the three broad pillars of EU Sport Policy as defined in the current work plan: Economic impact of sport, social inclusion in and through sport, and sport integrity. Contributions from diverse disciplines (law, politics, social sciences, philosophy etc.) are accepted, and interdisciplinary papers are encouraged.


Papers related to the following topics are encouraged:

  • Institutional dynamics in EU sport policy design and implementation

  • Competition policy and legal issues in sport

  • The integrity and governance of sport

  • Sport policy and politics in Central and Eastern Europe

  • Equality and diversity in and through sport

  • COVID-19 and its impact on sports

  • Online and blended teaching and learning in sport related subjects


For the 2021 conference delegates will have the opportunity to present two types of papers:


  • Short 10’ papers: presenting new ideas, comments on cases, early work, etc. These papers might be fundamentally empirical, with authors seeking feedback on early analysis, possible follow up or theoretical contribution

  • Full 20’ papers: These should be more elaborate papers and appropriate to an academic context. It is expected that authors include aims, methods, result and discussion.


Paper proposals (both short & full) will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee of the Sport&EU Association.


The best full papers will be published in the International Sport Law Journal ( a peer-reviewed journal of extreme high level quality indexed in highly appreciated databases such as Scopus, EBSCO, ProQuest, SCImago etc.


Another opportunity is that a paper could be published in the Special Conference Journal (indexed in HeinOnline) or in the Collected Papers of the 15th Sport&EU Conference which will be indexed in HeinOnline and probably Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and Scupus.


Following our traditional policies of equality and diversity, Sport&EU encourages PhD students and young career academics to submit their proposals for this conference. Equally, we encourage female academics to submit their proposals. Papers with a gender perspective or a feminist theoretical framework are welcome.


How to submit your paper or panel proposal

For single paper proposals.

  • Submit a one page abstract (all-inclusive)

  • Use 12 point Arial font, single spacing.

  • Include the full names of author(s) and institutional affiliation.

  • You need to indicate (abstracts not indicating these choices will be returned):

    • Whether you are proposing a short of full paper

    • Which of the priority topic areas (see above) your paper belongs to.

    • Which of the following categories applies to your paper (chose only ONE, see infra for information): Empirical, Conceptual, teaching, or methodology


  • Abstracts should not include figures and tables. Include in-text citations but NOT a list of references. 


  • Abstract should include: Research objectives/questions, methodology, results and discussion of the relevance of your findings.


For panel proposals

Submit a 350-words abstract for the panel plus one abstract (as per the format above) per paper.

  • Abstract should include: Research objectives/questions, methodology, results and discussion of the relevance


Please also include the nominated panel convenor and panel chair.

Indicate which one of the priority topics your panel falls under.


In the interest of diversity and representation, all-male panels proposals are discouraged.


Panel and paper proposals should be submitted by email to


The Deadline for paper proposals is 31 January 2021.


Decisions on accepted papers will be made no later than the end of February 2021.


Accepted full papers will be invited to send the final version of the full paper (according to the journal authors’ guidelines) by the end of March 2021 in line to have the peer-reviewed accepted articled at the 2021 Conference. Submission of the full paper for publication is completely optional, not compulsory.


Registration Fee - Onsite

The Registration fee for the 2021 Conference will be (VAT included, payment details to follow by the end of February 2021):

  • €120 as for a regular fee

  • Early Bird Offer: €100

  • PhD students: €80


Boat trip: The organisers may guarantee a boat trip (included in the registration fee) for the early birds registrations. More information about social events during the conference to follow.



Registration Fee – Online

In case the 2021 conference will be organised online the Registration fee will be (VAT included, payment details to follow by the end of February 2021):


  • €15 as for a regular fee

  • Early Bird Offer: €10


* * *

Paper proposal evaluation process


Abstracts will be peer reviewed. You will receive a decision as soon as possible with feedback to make modifications if needed. The evaluation criteria, for your information, are as follows.


Review criteria for full papers


Work that uses research to test or build theory and concepts, or reports data collected in the context of consultation to a sport organization.

  1. Relevance/significance of the topic to sport management

  2. Review of relevant literature

  3. Clarity of purpose/objectives of the study/timeliness

  4. Appropriate methodology and data analysis

  5. Discussion/implications/applications 

  6. Contribution to the body of knowledge



Work that presents new conceptual frameworks or expands existing ones, and which typically does not collect new data.

  1. Relevance/significance of the topic

  2. Review of relevant literature

  3. Clarity of purpose/objectives/timeliness

  4. Quality of theoretical/conceptual framework

  5. Discussion/implications/future directions 

  6. Contribution to the body of knowledge



These presentations focus on classroom methods or innovations. The purpose of these presentations is to acquaint academics and practitioners with new methods or procedures that have proven useful in the classroom.

  1. Relevance/significance of the topic to sport management instructors

  2. Review of relevant literature

  3. Clarity of purpose/objectives of the presentation

  4. Potential for impact on teaching quality

  5. Originality of teaching innovations suggested

  6. Contribution to the body of knowledge



Methodology presentations focus on new methods or innovative applications of established methods for sport related research. These may be illustrated with empirical examples, but the empirical component in this case should be intended to illustrate the method.

  1. Relevance/significance of the topic to sport management

  2. Review of relevant literature

  3. Clarity of purpose/objectives of the presentation

  4. Potential for impact on sport management research

  5. Originality in sport management of suggestions in presentation 

  6. Contribution to the body of knowledge



To download the Call for Papers, click the Sport&EU Icon below.




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