Sport&EU Travels

For the 18th Annual Sport&EU Conference, we came back to the beautiful city of Angers. Hosted by Prof Albrecht Sonntag at ESSCA, the conference offered a perfect mix of academic insights and informal exchange in a friendly and inviting atmosphere​

The 17th Annual Sport&EU Conference was hosted by the Autonomous University in Lisbon. Over 70 delegates discussed the present and future of EU sport policy in a marvelous setting in the city centre of Lisbon.

​After two years without meeting face-to-face, the Sport&EU family met in Lausanne for its 2022 Annual Conference.
Hosted by the University of Lausanne, the team led by Prof Jean-Loup Chappelet provided the perfect framework to discuss the many issues the world of sport faces in 2022: from recent reforms to the war in Ukraine.

Rijeka (digital)
In 2021, the Sport&EU Conference was hosted for the first time as a digital event by Prof. Vanja Smokvina of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law.
With more than 300 delegates registered, and numerous prestigious key-note speakers, including IOC member and former President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the conference was a resounding success.
See the Book of Proceedings here!

Organised by the Malta Association of Sports Law, our 2019 Conference was held in the UNESCO World Heritage city of Valletta, Malta’s capital city and 2018 European Cultural Capital City. Speakers included Alejandra Salmeron, FIFA Legal Counsel and Mark Cutajar, CEO Sport Malta

Supported by an EU Erasmus+ grant, our 13th annual conference attracted over 100 delegates in blistering heat at Edge Hill University’s award winning campus. Speakers included Mark Tuitert (litigant in the ISU case), Professor Jean Loup Chappelet & Jane Purdon from UK Sport.

Glorious weather blessed us on our first visit to Norway. Hosted by Molde University, our keynote speakers were Karen Espelund, former member of the executive committee of UEFA and Kjetil Stem, FIFA’s Head of Strategy.
Hosted by ESSCA School of Management in beautiful Angers in the heart of the Loire valley. Nearly 40 speakers delivered papers and we had notable contributions from Professor Özgehan Senyuva, Professor Jack Anderson and Alexandre Mestre, former Secretary of State in the Portuguese Government.
Organised jointly by the German Sport University and the University of Mainz, delegates at our 9th annual conference enjoyed both cutting edge research papers and World Cup football screened during our conference dinner. Professor Jurgen Mittag excelled as our host.
For only the second time, Sport&EU left the EU to discuss key issues in European sports law and policy at Kadir Has University in Istanbul. William Gaillard (UEFA) gave the keynote and Dr Geoff Pearson discussed home-grown players. Delegates enjoyed France v Spain in the FIFA u20 World Cup.
The Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration hosted our 7th annual conference in Lausanne. Mark Pieth spoke about his role as Chair of the FIFA Independent Governance Committee and Stanislas Frossard discussed the role of the Council of Europe. The much loved Prof. Dave Allen received our honorary membership

Leading journalist David Conn spoke about the state of football governance in the UK and Europe at our 6th annual conference hosted by Dr Simon Boyes at Nottingham Trent University. Other
notable speakers included Karen Petry, Ian Henry, Gareth Farrelly and Seema Patel.
The indefatigable Dr Dave McArdle hosted Sport&EU in the grounds of scenic Stirling University. Antonia Hagemann from Supporters Direct and the godfather of sports law, Ken Foster were just two of dozens of speakers. Louise Martin CBE gave the keynote. A panel on the late Edward Grayson was a highlight.

Our two day conference in the charming seaside resort of Southport discussed themes connected to the European Commission’s White Paper on Sport. Andrzej Rogulski from the European Commission presented as did leading academic Professor Barrie Houlihan. Edge Hill University hosted.
The University of Chester hosted our 2nd annual conference. A young Daniel Geey (of Done Deal fame) spoke about sports media rights and Alex Phillips from UEFA discussed the role of governing bodies. Other notable appearances included Declan Hill, Alexandre Mestre, Roberto Branco Martins and Dave Boyle.
Our inaugural conference at Loughborough University discussed EU sports law and policy a decade after Bosman. Sport&EU honorary member Prof. Dave Allen was the first person to speak at a Sport&EU event with other notable contributions from Wyn Grant, Richard Parrish, Borja Garcia, An Vermeersch and Mark James

Sport&EU was established by Dr. Borja Garcia, Dr David Ranc and Professor An Veermersch, with Professor Richard Parrish invited to be Honorary Chair